

How to Detect Breast Implant Rupture

Breast implant rupture, whether it’s saline or silicone, is a potential risk following breast augmentation with implants. During your personal consultation with Dr. Mosser before the surgery, it is best to learn everything there is to know about breast implant rupture, particularly when it comes to detecting the early signs. After all, a well-informed decision CONTINUE READING

A Closer Look on the Subglandular Placement of Breast Implants

Making the decision to have breast augmentation involves a lot of micro-decisions. You will have to choose which breast implant type suits you well, the type of incision, and implant placement. A subglandular placement is commonly performed at Dr. Mosser’s practice. Read on to learn why! Reduced Risk of Motion Deformity Implants placed via the CONTINUE READING

What Makes Forever Young BBL Different From Other Laser Therapies?

What Makes Forever Young BBL Different From Other Laser Therapies? Sure, almost everyone knows that prolonged sun exposure is the root of all skin aging evils — from deep forehead lines to uneven skin tone. Yet, spending more time outdoors is also one of the genuinely beautiful ways to relax and regain focus, whether in CONTINUE READING

Understanding the Basics of Fat Grafting

Silicone implants have been employed for a while now in plastic surgery such as breast augmentation and buttock enhancement. Currently, fat grafting in lieu of implants is slowly taking the center stage. Fat transfer is nothing new in cosmetic surgery though. It has long been used in filling in hollowed cheeks and pitted scars. At CONTINUE READING

The Breast Implant Decision

After making the decision to have breast augmentation, you also need to make micro-decisions specific to the procedure. Choosing which breast implant type, size, and shape is one of these micro-decisions. An overview of the different implant choices below can help you figure out which ones will suit your aesthetic goals and preferences. Saline Implants CONTINUE READING

Get to Know The Coolest Way to Get Rid of Body Fat

Here at our practice in San Francisco, we wholly support patients who want to opt for non-surgical treatments for permanent fat reduction. For these patients, we generally recommend CoolSculpting, an FDA-approved procedure which gets rid of unwanted fat safely and effectively. If you’ve been considering a non-surgical alternative to reduce excess pockets of fat, here’s CONTINUE READING

Why Saying Hello to Halo Gives You the Best of Both Worlds in Laser

Let’s face it, nothing is far more attractive than skin that naturally glows! However, the chronic war against enlarged pores, uneven skin tone, and age spots make the quest for healthy, radiant skin a struggle for many of our wonderful clients at our San Francisco laser rejuvenation practice. Often, no matter how much preventive measures CONTINUE READING

How to Achieve Optimum Outcomes with the Brazilian Butt Lift

Deciding on a Brazilian butt lift requires thorough assessment and evaluation both on your end and your surgeon’s. Once you have scheduled the exact date of your operation, taking steps to be physically and emotionally ready for the surgery should be a priority. In plastic surgery, how you prepare for the procedure plays a crucial CONTINUE READING

Weighing the Pros and Cons of the Brazilian Butt Lift

Patient education is one of Dr. Mosser’s priorities in his San Francisco plastic surgery practice. We have noticed over the years that a well-informed patient is most likely to be satisfied with the outcomes of surgery than those who didn’t take the time to ask questions and carefully evaluate their plastic surgery options. Like all CONTINUE READING

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